Products We Use With Our Savannahs
These are some of the items that we use with our own Savannahs, and the kittens we raise here. We encourage you to start your kitten out with these products. It will help you make a more comfortable environment for your new kitten surrounded by familiar items.

We use several different types of litter boxes with our kittens so they will be familiar with each of these. We recommend starting with these boxes or similar ones. And get at least two types of boxes so the kitten has options and can use one for Urination and one for something else if they choose to.
- Corner Litter Box:
- Smaller Box:
- Top Entry Litter Box:

Paper towels seem to be prime prey for many Savannahs. We keep ours safe from harm in this automatic dispenser:

A smaller cousin of the endangered Paper Towel Roll is the Toilet paper roll. We keep ours out of paw's reach using something like this holder:

Anything that is behind the Bi-fold closet doors is fair game and must be examined carefully by a Savannah, these work to keep ours out:

Since many Savannahs are fond of water, they won't think twice about emptying your toilet bowl over and over and over again. Something like this may help to keep your water bill (and sanity) in check:

Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers (and don't forget bathroom vanities!) are where ALL the cool toys are kept, every Savannah knows that!! So these catches can help keep your things yours, and the cats AWAY:

When all else fails, these at least help keep the spotted wonders away MOST of the time!!
Air sprayer:
Refills (you might want to stock up):

If you have many of these these in your home..........

You may want to consider changing them to these, unless you like EVERY door opened in your home.